The Right to Feed Off Inclusion

6 February 2017 - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexual, queer and asexual people (LGBTIQA) do not often fit into the dominant heterosexual structures of our societies and have therefore a non-normative sexual orientation and/or gender identity.  On these grounds, they are likely to face major challenges when it comes to receiving adequate education, entering the labor market and being eligible for social programs. 

In other words, those who do not define their sexual identity by socially-accepted sexual orientations are more likely to be discriminated against in the political, economic and social spheres. These restrictions have a great impact on their ability to access adequate (culturally acceptable) and nutritious food.

Despite considerable mobilization and progress over the last decades, there still exists a strong resistance from governments to change normative discourses and effectively fight against stigmatization of these communities. Amid turbulent times where inclusion and tolerance are increasingly scarce, what are the required approaches and strategies to ensure LGBTIQA rights are respected and their needs appropriately addressed?

Read here LGBTIQA Community: the right to feed off inclusion, a report by FIAN International.