Pastoralism under Threat: Human Rights Violations in the Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania (2017)

“Pastoralism under Threat: Human Rights Violations in the Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania” is a policy brief by Terra Nuova, CELEP and Hands on the Land for Food Sovereignty. It analyses, adopting a human rights approach, the violations against pastoralists in Tanzania, suffering personal violence, forced to evict their lands and to abandon their traditions, with serious consequences to their right to food. These violations, as documented by the literature, are the consequences of the implementation of so-called corridors "for agricultural growth", that envisage the creation of large-scale infrastructure at the service of industrial and export agriculture. The latter attract external investments, which are neither planned in consultation with nor bring benefits to local populations.
In particular, this document analyses the Southern Agicultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) case, a “development” project supported by the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.
The policy brief is freely downloadable here.